Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easter, Cookies and Caramel Apples

OK, just a short post for now to catch myself up a bit, at least in terms of my kitchen activity...

Here are my latest, Easter Cookies. :)

And I tried my hand at some Springy Caramel Apples for all of the cousins...

And just for good measure, I will post a pic of my St. Patrick's Day Cookies too!

As far as Easter itself goes, we all had a wonderful day with family, the kids got lots of candy of course, and the Easter Bunny even left a picture of himself for Madison because she left him a note asking for one. :) Imagine that?! Now that they know what he looks like, they are a bit creeped out about it lol. Too bad the Easter Bunny didn't take that little tid bit into consideration before leaving them an autographed pic. hmmm.